Quite literally, I’ve been sneaking into my refrigerator just to open my jar and smell the delicious cucumber wipes. They smell wonderful! It reminds me of the summertime. Sitting back, relaxing with a cucumber mojito.

Ingredient Benefits:
Not only does this recipe smell good, but the ingredients have amazing benefits for the skin. Cucumbers are 96 percent water which means hydration, hydration, hydration! This also means that it’s great for sensitive skin as it doesn’t have any harsh ingredients.

I wanted to include cucumber into a facial cleanser due to the vitamin C it contains. Vitamin C helps to soothe skin conditions such as sunburns and irritated skin.

Also included in this DIY is witch hazel. Witch hazel is a shrub that is indigenous to the United States. It has been used for centuries by the Native Americans to help combat irritated and inflamed skin.

Make sure when purchasing witch hazel, that it contains pure witch hazel and no added ingredients such as alcohol. Some brands will include alcohol in their products which can be irritating to the skin.

These DIY Cucumber Facial Cleansing Wipes are also great for removing makeup. The coconut oil helps to break down the makeup particles from your face, leaving it clean and soft.

When I made this recipe my kitchen smelled amazing! It lasted for a few hours too. BONUS: You’ll get two recipes in one with this special DIY. Keep scrolling for more information.

Below I have included free labels that you can download, print, and use for your amazing creations.

  • I included one standard size that will fit a regular mason jar.
  • I use these Avery Full Sheet Stickers for all of my handmade health & beauty products.


  • 15 Cotton Rounds
  • Half a Large Cucumber
  • 2 tablespoons Distilled Water
  • 1/2 tablespoon Witch Hazel
  • 1 tablespoon Fractionated Coconut Oil


  1. Slice half of a large cucumber. No need to peel the skin.
  2. Add to your blender the sliced cucumber, distilled water, and witch hazel.
  3. Blend for 5-8 seconds. You don’t want to blend for too long.
  4. Using a sieve, sifter, or cheesecloth, separate the liquid from your mixture. I used a sieve and shook back and forth, over a bowl, for the separation to occur.
  5. Set aside the chunky cucumber mix to make another recipe. 
  6. Once you have all the liquid into a bowl, add fractionated coconut oil and mix.
  7. Put the cotton rounds into a container and pour the entire liquid mixture over the rounds.
  8. Close the lid and shake back and forth. You want the bottom cotton rounds to absorb the mixture as well.
  9. One by one, pick apart the soaked cotton rounds and place them back into your container. This will make them look nice and pretty.

Back to what I mentioned above about being two recipes in one. Don’t throw away, I repeat, don’t throw away the leftover chunky cucumber mixture that you sieved earlier.

You can make a sugar scrub! Add a half a cup of sugar and one tablespoon fractionated coconut oil and mix all together. Waa laa, you have yourself a soothing sugar scrub that makes your hands smell and feel wonderful.

Store your DIY Cucumber Facial Cleansing Wipes in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. The sugar scrub has a shelf life of three weeks.

I hope you love this recipe as much as I do! I’m going to go cleanse my face with a wipe right at this moment. If you have any questions about making your very own DIY Cucumber Facial Cleansing Wipes please comment in the section below. I am more than happy to help!


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