Immune System Boosters Turmeric, Ginger & Lemon Shots

It’s the end of October, which means soon we’ll need to be protecting ourselves from the cold weather and cold viruses. With a toddler in preschool, I feel like I’m constantly fighting off the viruses she brings home. But thanks to a local juice store, I’ve discovered a method of boosting my immune system and decreasing inflammation: turmeric, lemon, and ginger shots!

These 2-ounce shots are highly concentrated, work very quickly, and burn like hell. I recommend keeping a glass of water nearby to use as a chaser. As someone who has used these shots multiple times in the past month whenever I felt like I was coming down with something, I can attest to their effectiveness. Even though my husband and daughter had colds this month, I never came down with one!

Already have a cold? Try my simple cold remedies, which use raw honey and essential oils to soothe sore throats, reduce coughing, and clear sinuses!

The benefits of curcumin, found in turmeric, are numerous. I highly recommend consuming it in some form every day. If the thought of juicing and drinking a shot every morning doesn’t appeal to you, you can always try it in my delicious Golden Milk!


  • Prevents cardiovascular disease at a magnitude comparable to that of 30-60 minutes of exercise per day 
  • A safe and effective remedy for rheumatoid arthritis 
  • May work as well or better than leading anti-inflammatory drugs for osteoarthritis
  • A powerful antioxidant 
  • Decreases the damaging effects of lupus on the kidneys 
  • May reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease 

You can increase the bioavailability of turmeric by combining it with black pepper, which contains piperine, a potent inhibitor of drug metabolism, meaning it slows the liver’s ability to eliminate the curcumin. Even just a pinch of pepper increases bioavailability by 2000%! Also eating it with fat helps it travel through the lymphatic system, bypassing the liver and increasing absorption.


  • Anti-inflammatory 
  • May be effective as a migraine remedy 
  • Reduces morning sickness nausea, motion sickness nausea, post-operative nausea, and chemo therapy vomiting 
  • May reduce heavy menstrual bleeding and IBS cramping 
  • Helps protect DNA from oxidative damage 


  • Source of vitamin C, an antioxidant
  • Helps boost DNA repair 
  • Aids in antioxidant absorption, especially in tea 

All you need to make this simple turmeric, ginger, and lemon shot is a juicer or a high-powered blender. To use a blender for juicing, blend all ingredients until no large chunks remain. Pour blender contents over a cloth-lined strainer that rests over a large bowl. Allow liquid to strain through, then make a pouch with the cloth over the remaining pulp and squeeze out the rest of the liquid.

Personally, I prefer to use a juicer. If you don’t have one, I recommend asking for one for Christmas. I use a Breville, but there are lots of options!

After you make your juice, you can pour it into individual 2-oz bottles, store it in a jar, or pour it into an ice mold to save it for later.

Immune System Boosters Turmeric, Ginger & Lemon Shots

Give your immune system a quick boost with these anti-inflammatory shots made with turmeric and ginger roots, lemons, and a touch of apple.


  • ~7 oz turmeric root (large handful)
  • 3-4 lemons, rind removed
  • ~6 oz ginger root (one large root), roughly chopped
  • 1 sweet apple, quartered
  • Pinch black pepper


  1. Run all ingredients through a juicer, or blend in a blender and pour through a cloth-lined sieve to strain out pulp.
  2. Pour juice into individual bottles, one large jar, or an ice cube tray to store.
  3. To serve, pour about 2 ounces into a glass and add a small pinch of black pepper. Drink like a shot and chase with water.

These shots are best when taken on an empty stomach in the morning.

Store juice in the fridge up to 4 days.

I recommend taking these shots every other day, unless you feel like you're fighting off a cold, in which case every day would be appropriate.

Our local juice store sells these shots, which they call “The Sting,” for $6 per 2-oz bottle. Well this recipe makes 15 ounces for the same price!

If you don’t believe in the benefits of turmeric, ginger, and lemon, I dare you to try these juice shots every morning for a week. You’ll be hooked, just like I am!

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