Glowing Skin Juice

Everybody wants to have that perfect skin we see in magazines, especially women. We spend a lot of money on beauty products to fix our skin imperfections, instead of investing in our health. I used to be like this, until I realized I don’t need to have a perfect skin to be happy.

Some people have perfect skin naturally, but most of us (even celebrities) have skin imperfections and is okay. They use make up and Photoshop to make their skin “glow”.

Our skin is the outer reflection of our inner health, so you should follow a healthy lifestyle if you want a beautiful and healthy skin. Avoid make up and use natural skin care and beauty products.

Raw fruits and veggies are the perfect food for your skin, so smoothies (like this glowing skin smoothie) and juices are great! To make a juice you need lots of fruits and vegetables, so they’re full of vitamins and minerals. You should try this glowing skin juice, it’s delicious and so nutritious!
Glowing Skin Juice

Glowing Skin Juice
Our skin is the outer reflection of our inner health. This glowing skin juice is so delicious and is also full of vitamins and minerals.


  • 1 beetroot
  • 2 oranges
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 red apples
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 stick of celery


  1. Wash all the ingredients
  2. Chop the fruits and veggies
  3. Put everything through the juicer
  4. Strain the juice for a better texture (optional)


  • Beets have a strong flavor, so if you don’t like them, you can use another red fruit or veggie (berries taste amazing).
  • If you don’t use organic produce, you should peel your fruits and veggies.

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