Just Do This 2 Minutes Trick Before Going to Sleep Your Hair Will Grow Like Never Grow

Nobody likes to have a stunted hair growth, everyone needs their hair to grow to a desirable length and texture but usually get stuck on the way of this hair growth journey.

It is true that there are some home remedies that you can use to grow your hair fast without having to use a lot of chemicals that promises hair growth but usually end up damaging the hair thereby causing it to break.
Just Do This 2 Minutes Trick Before Going to Sleep Your Hair Will Grow Like Never Grow

Potato juice
Why: potato juice contains vitamins A and C. These vitamins promote hair growth.
How to:

  • Grate two potatoes and squeeze out their juice. 
  • Apply this juice all over your scalp and let it stay for 30 minutes. 
  • Rinse with cold water. You can do this remedy every time before shampooing.

Precautions: the potato is also a mild and natural bleaching agent. Do not use this remedy on freshly colored hair as it might cause the color to fade away faster.

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